Leave of absence

A leave of absence is a period of time where the University permits a student to temporarily disengage with their studies and return at a later date. Periods while you are on leave of absence are not counted when applying regulations regarding length of study. You cannot remain in University accommodation during a leave of absence.

In some situations, such as failing to meet the minimum attendance requirements specified in the undergraduate senate regulations or the postgraduate senate regulations, or failing to complete academic advising, you may be placed on compulsory leave of absence.

A withdrawal involves leaving the University permanently.

Taught students (UG and PGT)

Any modules taken in the semester in which you are granted leave of absence are removed from your record. The deadline for applying is the end of week 9 in the relevant semester. There is a maximum number of semesters for which leave of absence can be granted. To apply for leave of absence, contact the Registry Officer (Student Support).

Research Students (PGR)

You can apply for a leave of absence at any point during your studies. A leave of absence can be requested for as little as one month, or as much as 12 months. You cannot request a leave of absence which extends beyond your current end date. To apply for leave of absence, contact the Registry Officer (Student Support – PGR).

See also: