Teams phone

Call charges

All local, national and international calls made between 8am and 6pm are charged at the standard rate, whereas calls between 6pm and 8am are charged at the cheap rate. All calls made between 6pm on Friday and 8am on Monday are charged at the cheap rate.

Calls to premium rate numbers are barred by default. However, calls can be made through the switchboard during normal working hours. Be aware that even short calls to these numbers can be costly: some premium rate numbers are charged at £1.50 per minute. Calls to operator services and  directory enquiries are strictly controlled and callers should call the switchboard on '0' for assistance.

Transfer charge calls

Staff should not accept transfer charge calls due to the extra work incurred in manual billing administration for such calls. The recipient of the transfer charge call will be invoiced for the call plus an administration charge.

Please remember: keep all calls as short as possible.

Telephone directory changes

Please notify the Telephone Office ( of changes and corrections to the telephone directory.

It is part of the Telephone System Administrator's responsibilities to keep the telephone switchboard database up to date, and your cooperation is essential.

If you are a new member of staff and don't see your name in the online directory, please notify the Telephone Office ( as soon as possible so that your contact details can be published.

Unless otherwise informed the telephone office will 'opt in' staff members to the directory.

Call logging

The Telephone Office call logging system logs information on calls made and computes charges incurred by each telephone extension. Monthly statements are sent to the head of each School or Unit, giving summary details of calls made by extensions in their School or Unit and the appropriate account is debited according to these computed costs.

It is therefore essential that the Telephone System Administrator ( is informed immediately of any changes to the debit accounts or telephone extension ownership. It is the responsibility of the School or Unit to inform the TSA of any changes.

Monthly and individual statements are available via email to authorised recipients. These statements can be pre-formatted as Microsoft Excel spreadsheets or PDFs. Please contact the Telephone Office with your request: